School Expectations and Routines
Our school curriculum
At St. David's C of E Primary School we follow a thematic, skills-based curriculum with the aim of fostering a love of learning in all children. Values Education is an integral part of the curriculum and is taught in a two-year cycle.
Behavioural expectations
In school all children are expected to follow the SMART rules:
S – Safe: To behave in a way which keeps themselves and others safe.
M – Manners: To show good manners at all times, remembering to say please and thank you.
A – Attitude: To demonstrate a positive attitude to their work and others persevering and showing courage when something is difficult.
R – Respect: To be respectful to all members of the school and wider community, treating others how they wish to be treated
T – Team: To be a good team player, proving to be trustworthy and just, caring about others.
Each Infant class has a behaviour chart where the children aspire to reach the gold section by the end of every school day. We use numerous rewards to encourage good behaviour, however we also have a set of sanctions for children who do not meet our behaviour expectations. You will find a copy of our Behaviour Policy which is available in the 'Policies' section of the school website.
Late arriving to school
If your child is late arriving to school he/she must enter the school via the main office to ensure the school secretary can amend the school registers.
If your child is ill, you must contact the school by 9.30 a.m. to let us know. We have a dedicated absence line (01608 650521—option 1) which you can leave messages on 24 hours a day. If your child is suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea we request that you keep your child away from school for at least 48 hours after his/her last episode of illness.
If your child requires any medication to be administered in school you will need to complete and sign a ‘Medicine Administration Permission Form’. This form can be found in the school entrance .
We aim for pupils to be in school as regularly as possible. You will find a copy of our Attendance Policy on the school website. If a child’s attendance dips below 90% we will ask for the parents/carers to come into school to discuss the issues surrounding the absences. The school’s Parent Support Advisor may also attend the meeting to ascertain whether the family require additional support.
Holiday requests
Please do not book holidays in term time as this seriously disrupts your child’s education. If you plan to take your child out of school for any reason you will need to write a letter to the Headteacher explaining why, only under exceptional circumstances will permission be granted.
Before and after school care / Holiday care
To support our working parents and carers, the school is able to provide extended care, known as Play Space, from the hours of 7.45 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. during the school term. Play Space is run by a dedicated team of staff, who work at St. David’s School as teaching assistants or lunchtime supervisors. There is a charge for this service and more information can be found on the Moreton Play Space page of the website or by contacting the school secretary.
Keeping parents/carers informed
A detailed end of year report is sent to parents and carers in July.
Bulletins are sent home every other Friday and contain information relevant to families for the forthcoming week. The bulletins are also available to read on the school website.
Text messages are used to send urgent information. Please ensure we have your up-to-date mobile phone numbers.
The staff at St. David's C of E Primary School are always willing to meet with parents and carers to discuss any concerns or queries. Please see teachers on the playground before school or make an appointment via the school office.
Your views matter to us
We are very interested in finding out your views through questionnaires or other means. This shapes the way we devise policies and procedures in school, so please do share your views with us.
Parent View gives parents and carers the opportunity to share their view of St. David's C of E Primary School with Ofsted. You can access the questionnaire via