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‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12.30-31)

School Name

St. David's C of E Primary School

enquiring minds, caring hearts, creative hands

Parent Pay

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St. David's Church

The school enjoys close links with St. David's Church and the Rector, Mr Curran. The Church team provides interactive, fun assemblies that are thoroughly enjoyed by the children, and staff, and always have a strong Christian theme.

We also enjoy the church community providing 'Open the Book' assembly on Thursdays. This is where bible stories are acted out in a way that children can access and understand.

The school regularly holds end of term services in church as well as Harvest, Advent, Easter and Christmas celebrations.

Many of our families attend St. David's Church and you can find out more about the services and other church-related activities by clicking here.


OPEN EVENING for Reception Intakes September 2025 on Tuesday 12th November from 4.30pm to 5.00pm - Adults only (no children) no school tour provided and OPEN DAY on Wednesday 13th November from 4.00pm to 5.00pm (Parents and child invited) School Tour will be offered